About Me

Me photo
My name is Eliete (click here to see how to pronounce it) but you can call me Eli!
I am a software developer focused on writing clean and efficient code, an Independent person with attention to details and interested in Technology Meetups.
Passionate about traveling and gardening.
Fan of pets, yoga and TV series.
A family person, mother of a dog, named Sheldon Cooper.

Professional Experience

Concrete part of Accenture logo

Android Developer: Concrete - part of Accenture Technologies

São Paulo - Brazil
2016 - 2018

Android Consultant developer for the largest Brazilian bank developing new features on business account Android native app for small companies. The project was based on MVC architecture, feature delivery with unit test coverage greater than 70%:

  • JAVA and Kotlin developing language
  • Unit tests developed with JUnit and Mockito libraries
  • UI tests with help of Espresso library
  • Accessibilities features
  • App versions managed using Gitlab
  • SCRUM methodology for planning and execution of software development
LuizaLabs logo

Android Developer Intern: LuizaLabs - Magazine Luiza

São Paulo - Brazil
2014 - 2015

Experience in development of an e-commerce app and maintenance of other apps which were published in Google Play:

  • JAVA developing language
  • Development of new views in accordance with Material Design Pattern
  • Analysis of bugs from Google Analytics to solve problems of the published app
  • Project migration from Eclipse IDE to Android Studio IDE version 0.9.



Systems Developer and Analyst

Faculdade de Tecnologia Ipiranga - FATEC Ipiranga
São Paulo - Brazil
2012 - 2015
Courses and Training
Full Stack Web Development And Mobile App Program - Nucamp (IN PROCESS)

Node.js para Iniciantes - NodeBR

Intermediate Kotlin for Android Developers -Linkedin Learning

Kotlin training - Concrete

Study Jam: Android Development for Beginners - Google:GDG-SP

Programming Foundations with Python - Udacity

Introduction to Python - PyLadiesSP

Python Intermediate Course I and II - PyLadiesSP


Java Developers - Impacta

Programming logic - Impacta

SQL Server Module I - Impacta

How to create anything in Android - Udacity



GDG-Baltimore: Flutter Meetup


Kotlin São Paulo Meetup

Google Developers Group São Paulo - Android Meetup


Google Developers Group São Paulo - Android Meetup

Android DevConference São Paulo

GDGDevFest - São Paulo


Google Developers Group São Paulo - Android Meetup

Android DevConference São Paulo

GDGDevFest - São Paulo


GDGDevFest - São Paulo

Personal Projects

You can see some of the things I've worked on over my Github.

Children's Miles (Milhas Infantis)

It is an Android native application that aims to facilitate the management of the daily tasks assigned to the children by the person in charge of the family.

Weather App

It is an app to search for weather information for 7 days based on zipcode input.

5 Things to learn

It is an app developed for my mom always uses when she would like to know how to connect to the internet and how to access other apps. She can send me an email requesting improvements and instructions to deal with other features on the computer.

Heroes Api

It is a API that allows you add, update and change data from heroes.

Blog App

It is website that lets a blogger writes some texts and other users view its content and comment in them. Besides that, the website Administrator can manage the content allowing add, change and delete texts and comments.

Polls App

It is website that lets users view polls and vote in them. Besides that, the website Administrator can manage the content allowing add, change and delete polls.

Get In Touch

Send an email to dsreliete@gmail.com or write down here if you have a question or want to work together